Hello everyone and happy Friday! My name is Mariah Harper; proud Texas Ex, chai tea enthusiast and collector of quotes, aspiring sports psychologist, and current TOPPS intern!
As September withdraws its curtains and October extends promises of cooler weather, I wanted to present some exciting changes within TOPPS (allow me to lengthen that acronym- Texas Optimal Performance and Psychological Services)! Moving forward, each month will feature a certain theme and centralization of topics; hopefully, this way we may better delve into and analyze important sports psychology and mental health issues. Readers may expect a monthly two blog minimum, as well as several weekly Facebook posts. Blogs and posts will correlate, “speak to one another,” if you will, and are intended to inspire discussion, correct misperceptions, motivate those struggling, and advise the general public on how to develop a Balanced Mind and Balanced Body.
In light of this news, I present October’s central topic: mental health awareness. October 2nd-8th marks 2016’s Mental Health Awareness Week; what better time to address mental health stigmas, particularly as they relate to athletes? Help us break down misperceptions and pave the way for safe, tolerant discussion- stay tuned!
#austin #sportpsychology #mentalhealth #mentalillness #performance